THE LAUGHTER IN HIS HEART Can you hear his laughter? I can almost hear it echo it's so loud It sounds robust and happy He's entertaining a crowd. Can you hear his laughter? The fish is on the line Hold em eagle claw he yells out I got the big-un this time! Can you hear his laughter? He hears me wail with woe He giggles as he asks me ok baby, which toe? Can you hear his laughter? Motorcycles lining up fast Carefully planned benefit ride. Everything went beautifully at last. Can you hear his laughter? Long distance calls to make Telling outlandish lies as jokes Making them take the bait. Can you hear his laughter? It still is ringing loudly in my heart Loud, boisterous, happy and proud Thats what I hear when I listen now. Maybe that's a start. pbaker 9/13/07