2 monthes today
Created by Pam 17 years ago
Today my soulmate has been gone 2 monthes. I will not answer the phone, I will not type anything on the computer but things for him. I will hold him in my heart and love him as I did when he was here for today. No what ifs, no what coulda, woulda shoula. I will rejoice that I had him for the time I did and devote the entire day to the love I had for him and still do. tomorrow I will cope and deal with life. today is ours. I will remember fishing,motorcycle rides, trips, fights that ended in laughter. I will remember the healing powers of the woobie. I will not dwell on anything negative today. Today will be my day of happiness for Cliff. I will set a day every month for him to know I CAN be happy when i think of him and all we had and meant to each other. I cannot have all tears. I will not miss him today, I will hold him so close in my heart I will feel him there. I will cherish today and deal with everything else tomorrow. Baby I love you. this is your day. I will celebrate your life today, not your death. Your loving wife person.