February 14,2008

Created by Pam 17 years ago
Its Valentines day honey. Again, a first. Its not easy to watch everyone else in love and sharing hearts and dinners and a special day of love knowing your not here. I know now you are ok and doing ok. I guess everyone was right about going through all the stages of greif. I have accepted it, not happy about it, but accepted it and thinking of you with smiles. I am wishing you a big box of "Pot Of Gold" Chocolates for your Valentines Day present. I know how much you liked them and all of them are truffles. You remember how I would buy them for you. You are and will always be my honey, your my baby. I love you and wanted to make sure you knew it. happy valentines day Cliff. I love You. Your Wife-Person that still loves You Pam